Intervention of anonymous work
49x74 cm
Sometimes, I like to paint anonymous paintings acquired at second-hand markets or antique shops, or to paint over old photos. The purchase of these paintings or photos becomes a sort of treasure hunt, where one can stumble upon a unique work of art without knowing the identity of its creator that allows me to explore a less conventional and more mysterious path, thus adding a layer of intrigue to the artistic universe. The lack of information about the artist and his original intention leaves room for personal interpretation, allowing the work to take on a life of its own.
Acrylic on oil paint of unknown author
53X39 cm
Acrylic on still life of unknown author (oil paint)
54X30 cm
For me it is an exciting creative exercise and a unique experience where you venture to explore the world of art beyond the galleries and renowned labels. They are works, steeped in mystery that invite reflection on the nature of art, authorship and the personal connection to artistic creations.
It also raises questions about the value of art and how the notoriety of the artist influences the perception of a work. Can a painting be as meaningful and moving without knowing the story behind the artist? These anonymous paintings challenge the conventional notion that authorship is central to appreciating and valuing a work of art.
Acrylic on still life of unknown author (oil paint)
46x55 cm / 69x78 cm (with frame)
On the other hand, in the intervention of these "anonymous found works", a series of artists or assistants appear, where the art merges with the act of its creation, highlighting the effervescence and emotion in the creative process of an artist. A group of painters unfold in the scene, surrounding the original canvas with a mixture of scaffolding, ladders, brushes and buckets of paint. Each character is immersed in their task and brings the collective work to life. The scene unfolding on the original work of a still life becomes the backdrop for the real magic: the act of painting.
Acrylic on paper
Various sizes
Acrilico, acuarela y lápiz
sobre tabla
32.5×22.5 cm
Financiado por la Unión Europea – Next Generation EU. Sin embargo, los puntos de vista y las opiniones expresadas son únicamente los del autor o autores y no reflejan necesariamente los de la Unión Europea o la Comisión Europea. Ni la Unión Europea ni la Comisión Europea pueden ser consideradas responsables de las mismas.
Copyright © 2024 Moisés Yagües